1887 University Athletic Club (Men) Sports Photo

1887 University Athletic Club (Men) Sports Photo
New Brunswick University Athletic Club Contestants, May 26th 1887. The University Athletic Club was founded in 1879 to organize an annual sportsday for UNB students. Events included "bowling at a wicket," triple, broad,and high jumps, foot races, pole vault, "putting the weight," and tumbling. The sports day was the main athletic event at UNB for thirty years. As organized team sports such as football, hockey, and basketball grew more popular, the sports day became less important, and by 1928 had become the "Fredericton Track and Field Meet," no longer strongly identified with UNB.
Pose: Formal
Both Copies: UA PC-16 NO-81
b&w: Both copies: 10" x 8"
Number of Copies: 2
Conservation: Copy 1 is a creased and torn photo of copy 2, made at an angle with the caption partly cut off. Copy 2 is properly aligned but creased, and some manual outlining of the subjects stands out now that the photo is faded