1928 Encoenia Photo
(Fredericton)Image by: The Harvey Studios
- People
- Adams, Donald A
- Alexander, Brian Redmond McDonald
- Allison, Louise
- Allison, R
- Alliston, William John Edward
- Arthurs, Charles Murray Glendon
- Aubey, George Alfred
- Babbit, Gerald W
- Babbitt, John David
- Bailey, MA
- Baird, Albert Foster
- Barbour, Clarence Allen
- Bastin, Leslie GL
- Beatteay, George Cutler
- Beatty, Reginald Mansfield
- Bebbington, John Wayne
- Bell, Joseph Harvey
- Bennett, Dorothy Lillian
- Benson, Alexander William Blair
- Best, A Leslie
- Blair, Arthur Avery
- Bolton, GP
- Boone, Charles Sheldon
- Boone, Maurice Perry
- Braine, Arthur Wentworth
- Brewer, Harold Byron
- Bridges, JE
- Broderick, Clare Marie
- Brown, Edith Irma
- Brown, Kenneth Byron
- Bull, Stewart LeBaron
- Burns, Mary Ellen Josepha
- Burns, RL
- Burtt, Josephine Coburn
- Calder, Melda Madeline
- Callaghan, Mary Eileen
- Cameron, Adam
- Cameron, Margaret Helen
- Campbell, Hugh Lester
- Carson, Robert Garfield
- Carten, John Edward
- Chaisson, Eleanor Catherine
- Chalmers, George Everett Norris
- Chestnut, RH
- Christie, Florence McCracken
- Clark, Annie Elizabeth
- Clayton, Jane Spencer
- Clynick, GF
- Coffey, GW
- Copp, RA
- Corbett, John Edison
- Coughey, Alice Elizabeth
- Coughey, Mary Wood
- Cox, Katherine Avis
- Cox, PB
- Cox, Philip
- Coy, Nettie Helena
- Cragg, WA
- Creighton, G Wilfred I
- Creighton, Samuel Allison
- Cremin, Esther Anna Mary
- Crickard, Elsie Alexandra
- Crossman, SC
- Crowe, Helen Elizabeth
- Crowell, Ivan H
- Currie, Bruce S
- Currie, Donald Calvin
- Daggett, Eldon Edmund
- Dalling, W Harvey
- Dalzell, Lawrence Edward
- Daughney, Ralph Herman
- Dimock, Constance Graham
- Dines, Milton Emery
- Doddridge, Paul William
- Donaldson, George William
- Donohoe, Gordon Miller
- Dow, Gordon Y
- DuChene, Andrew Hubert
- DuDomaine, Robert Louis Lecocq
- Duncan, AM
- Ebbett, GH
- Fellows, Edward Spencer
- Fitzpatrick, Irene
- Flieger, Eva I
- Foster, Eldon Barry
- Foster, Walter William Vassie
- Fowler, Eric George
- Fowler, JL
- Fowler, Jack A
- Fraser, Donald Blake
- Fraser, Donald Jackson
- Fulton, Douglas Hazen
- Fulton, ME
- Gagnon, Louis Arthur
- Geldart, Adelbert Sanford
- Gilchrist, John
- Girvan, GR
- Goodspeed, Edward Burnett
- Grass, Lloyd Livingstone
- Graves, Marjorie Alice
- Hagerman, Edward Wendell
- Hall, Kenneth Eastburn
- Hall, Thomas Leonard
- Hanington, Frederick Augustus
- Hanson, Albert Edgar
- Hanson, Horace Allen
- Hargreaves, WT
- Hashey, HB
- Hashey, Lawrence Frederick
- Hayes, Elbert Harvey
- Heaney, Harold Douglas
- Hewett, Frederick Hudson
- Hickson, E
- Hierlihy, William Wishart
- Howie, Eugene Lee
- Hoyt, Basil Ernest
- Hoyt, Harold Herbert
- Hudson, David William West
- Hughes, Charles Joseph Arthur
- Hughes, Dorothy Monica
- Hughes, Helen Evelyn
- Hughes, Margaret Katherine
- Hunter, Robert Laird Borden
- Hurley, Joseph Louis
- Irving, AH
- Jackson, AN
- Jamieson, John Leeman Harold
- Jennings, Robert Malcolm
- Johnston, JW
- Jones, Allison Maurice Steeves
- Jones, Catherine Cecilia
- Jones, Cecil Charles
- Jones, Russell S
- Keenan, Louis Elbridge
- Keene, Orlo Edwin
- Keirstead, Burton Seely
- Keirstead, Wilfred Currier
- Legallois, BE
- Leisner, August
- Limerick, Arthur MacFarlane
- Limerick, Jack McKenzie
- Limerick, Ralph Victor
- Lingley, Harold Percival
- Lockhart, G Arthur
- Loggie, William Renforth Stuart
- Logie, Douglas Kenneth
- Loomis, Reginald Douglas
- Loudoun, Flora Hartt
- Love, Robert James
- Lynch, John Franklin
- MacDermott, Kenneth Weston
- MacLaggan, Maxwell Talcott
- MacLauchlan, MM
- MacLean, Edward John Alexander
- MacMurray, John Alexander
- MacPherson, Austin Donald
- MacRae, Alexander Kenneth
- MacRae, Edith Marion Catherine
- Macaulay, Beverley Francis
- Macredie, John RC
- Margolian, JJ
- McAndrews, F Douglas
- McCormack, Donald Neill
- McGee, George Hazen
- McKiel, William LeBaron
- McLellan, Hendry Ogilvy
- McLenahan, John Leroy
- McLenahan, W Albert
- McLennan, Duncan O
- McMullen, MI
- McNally, John Alanson
- McNally, Margaret Strange
- Mersereau, Marjorie Bernal
- Miller, Muriel Margaret
- Mills, Douglas Selwyn
- Moore, KW
- Morton, Julia Eleanor
- Murray, Albert Rutherford
- Naves, RT
- Neill, BS
- Neill, John Gordon
- Newnham, Alice Elizabeth
- Nickerson, Harold Waite
- O'Brien, Mary Mildred
- Oland, Philip Warburton
- Parlee, Rutherford Justus
- Patriquen, Frank Andrew
- Pearson, Frederick George C
- Peterson, Vinton Niles
- Petrie, Joseph Richards
- Phillips, Margaret Muriel
- Porter, LB
- Prebble, Malcolm Lawrence
- Prince, John Blakney
- Pugh, Robert William Bruce
- Racey, Ernest Hamilton
- Ray, Richard George
- Raymond, William Tyng
- Reid, Frances Helen Henrietta
- Reid, John Chalmers
- Reid, Parker Bancroft
- Richards, William Daniel
- Rideout, RL
- Risteen, Harry Carleton
- Robertson, John Ingersoll
- Rockwell, Hope Lenore
- Sargent, HM
- Saunders, Doris Myrtle
- Scott, Margaret Jean
- Searle, JM
- Sears, Lewis Gregory
- Seely, Wallace Errol
- Senna, Juliette Anne
- Shea, Mary Theresa
- Shorten, Christopher
- Shute, HM
- Simms, Cliff Eric
- Sisam, John William Bernard
- Skinner, NS
- Slipp, Albert Wiswell
- Slipp, Carleton Reid
- Smith, Deane Harvey
- Smith, Frank Lawrence
- Smith, Frank R
- Springer, Bertrand John
- Sproul, LD
- Squires, William Austin
- Stephens, John
- Stephenson, Louise Alice
- Sterling, Louise Miriam
- Stratton, Leslie Robertson
- Stratton, William Donald George
- Stuart, Edwin Alexander
- Todd, Ralph Murray
- Tomilson, M
- Toy, Edwin L
- Tracey, Edgar Herbert
- Trecarten, Clive Leonard
- Trites, James Albert
- Turner, Earle Oliver
- Turner, Hazel Gwendolyn
- Turner, William Erving
- Vivyan, Archibald Edwin
- WIlliamson, Harold James
- Wakeham, Charles A
- Waugh, Theodore Milford
- Webb, Horace Peterson
- Weldon, Norman Alfred
- Wetmore, Louis LeRoy
- Wightman, Arthur Fenwick
- Wiley, Walter Kenneth
- Williamson, HF
- Willis, Ralph Richard
- Wilson, ME
- Wishart, Frank B
- Woods, Doris Armstrong
- Woods, Henry Douglas
- Yorston, George William Archbold
- Young, Mary Constance